Enter or amend a purchase order

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Open: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders > Enter New Purchase Order.

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How to

Enter a purchase order

Open: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders > Enter New Purchase Order.

  • Select the supplier that you want to enter an order for.

    Note: If alerts have been set up for this supplier account and document type, they'll be displayed before you continue. To view the alert messages again, click the alert icon. See Supplier alerts.

  • Click Add items to add stock items, free text lines, additional charges or comments to the order.
  • Select the Delivery & Invoicing tab to:

    • View details on the delivery and supplier addresses.
    • Set discounts or surcharges for the whole order.

    • Change the order originator.
    • Set analysis codes for the whole order.
  • Use the Attachments tab to include any related files or links with the order.

Copy an order

If you've already entered a similar purchase order, you can copy the order.

The order number and dates are not copied.

Open: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders > Enter New Purchase Order.

  1. Select Copy Order.

  2. Select the order number you want to copy, or select Find to search for the order.

  3. The supplier account details from the original order are displayed.

    • If you want to create the new order for a different supplier, select the new supplier.

      • If you select a supplier that is on hold, you must select another supplier for the order.

      • If you have exceeded your credit limit with that supplier, a warning is displayed but you can continue.

  4. If you also want to copy all prices and discounts from the order, select Copy order line price and discounts.

    Note: If the supplier account currency of the new order is different to the currency of the original order, you will be asked to confirm if you still want to copy the prices when you copy the order.

Change the nominal account for an order line

If you've set a nominal account on the stock record for Stock, then this is added to the order line by default.

If you've set a nominal accounts on an additional charge record this is also added the order line by default.

For free text lines. you need to choose the account when you enter the line.

Add landed costs

If the stock item or the supplier for the stock item has been set to use landed costs then you'll see options for Landed costs type and Landed costs value when you add a stock item to an order line.

The details set on the stock item are entered by default, but you change them here is you need to.

Landed costs refer to any costs associated with the shipping, handling and importing of your stock items that you want to include on your purchase orders.

If you can't see the landed costs options, this is because landed costs haven't been set for the stock item or supplier.

Change or add a longer description

If you don't want to use the description of the stock item set on the stock record, you can change it when you add or edit the item on an order. You might want to do this if you need to use a longer description than allowed on the record.

To set the description when you add or edit an item to the order, select Amend item description and enter the new description.

Add discounts to the whole order or to individual lines

If your supplier offers you a discount, you can enter this per line or per order.

  • For line discounts, you can enter them as a value or a percentage when entering the line details.

    When you complete the order, the discount will be reflected in the goods value of items in the purchase invoice.

  • If you will receive a discount on the total order from the supplier, you can enter a Order discount / surcharge on the Delivery and Invoicing tab. Settlement discounts can be entered here also.

    Note: The order discount value is for information only, and whilst it will be visible on the purchase order, it will not automatically be applied to the goods value of the purchase invoice. When you complete the order, if you received this discount from the supplier, then you should manually adjust the goods value of the invoice to reflect the discount.

View or amend analysis codes

You can set analysis codes for the order and for any line in the order.

  1. To view or set analysis codes:

    • For the order, select the Analysis Codes tab.
    • For a line in the order, select the Analysis Codes button.
  2. Select the analysis code value from the list, or to add a new one click New value.

View requisition details

If the order was generated from a purchase requisition, you can view the details of the requisition lines.

  • Click Requisitions to view the requisition fulfilment lines that were used to generate this line on the purchase order.

    An order line may have been generated from multiple requisition lines.

Useful info

When to use the 'Generate orders' option

You can generate purchase orders automatically from Sage 200, using the Generate orders options.

This creates orders based on:

  • Your current stock levels fall below the minimum.
  • Where you don't have enough stock to fulfil in your sales orders.
  • You want to order goods to fulfil a sales order directly (back to back orders).

See Generate suggested purchase orders.

About analysis codes

Analysis codes are extra pieces of information that you can associate with purchase orders. You can use them to filter your purchase orders on reports and workspaces. For example, you could use analysis codes to specify which department has requested the goods. You can use up to 20 analysis codes for Purchase Orders.

Each analysis code has two parts - a Code for the type of information, and a set of Values that can be applied to your purchase orders and returns. For example, a Department analysis code could have a set of values - Sales, Finance and Personnel.

  • For each analysis code, you can choose whether the value can be changed when the order/ return is entered. To allow a new value to be entered, the analysis code must be set to enable you to Enter Free Text in the Analysis Code settings.
  • If you want to automatically save any new values that are entered, you can also enable Add New on Entry.
  • Analysis codes can be added to the whole order (the header) and to individual lines. You do this be choosing a Value for each relevant analysis code. If an analysis code is not to be used, leave the value blank.

    If you've set a default value, this is added automatically to the order or return.

Adding analysis codes to purchase documents

The following table explains how analysis codes are used on your purchase documents.

Type of purchase document

How analysis codes are applied

Purchase Order

Purchase Return

Choose the values for the order header on the Analysis Codes tab.

Choose the values for the order line, by selecting the Analysis Codes button when adding a line item.

Generate Orders

Uses default values on the header and the order line.

About landed costs

Landed costs refer to any costs associated with the shipping, handling and importing of your stock items that you want to include on your purchase orders.

These additional costs are often invoiced separately, by a courier for example and they may span multiple purchase orders.

In Sage 200 you can:

  • Choose whether stock items use landed costs by default.
  • Charge landed costs as a set amount, or as a percentage of the order line.
  • Apply landed costs whenever you use a particular supplier.

If you want to use landed costs in Sage 200, you need to turn this on in the Stock Control Settings. You set defaults for your landed costs on the relevant product groups and these are inherited by the stock items in that group. Landed costs can also be applied when using a specific supplier.

To set up landed costs

What happens

When the supplier is on hold

You cannot enter a new purchase order for a supplier whose account is On hold.

If you amend an existing purchase order for a supplier whose account is now on hold, the purchase order status will also be put On hold when you save the order.

If you take the supplier account Off hold, you must also remove the On hold status from the order too before it can be printed. To remove the on hold status for the order, open Amend Order Status and set the order to Off Hold.

When I save an order?

The Confirmation screen appears, displaying the totals and discounts.

  • Enter the supplier order number.
  • The generated purchase order number is displayed.

When I change the order quantities?

When you change the quantity of items in the order, the prices are updated and the goods value and VAT value are recalculated.

  • If you decrease the order quantity, the decrease is recorded as cancelled order lines.

  • If you decrease the order quantity and the order is linked to a sales order, you can choose which sales orders you cannot supply. The link between the sales order and purchase order is removed.

When I amend orders linked to requisitions?

When you amend a purchase order linked to a requisition, this will affect the lines on the requisition.